Saturday, November 7, 2020

I Pray that I'm Wrong

 This morning, it was announced that Joe Biden, former Vice President of the United States, was officially declared to be the new president elect over incumbent President Donald J Trump. In spite of how much I hoped and prayed for the opposite election results, I've known in my heart for months, that this would not be the case. Yet, I also knew which side of the debate I was supposed to be on. Some may question how I can say that "I knew." Let me explain.

In the Bible we are taught that all are given spiritual gifts. Some may be blessed with more, but all are promised at least one. I am blessed with the gift of discernment. Through that gift, I have had a strong sense of recognizing truth from lies and right from wrong. I have been blessed with recognizing people who are to be a positive influence in my life and learning to not despair over not fitting into the lives of others who would be less than a positive influence in my life. I have also come to learn that I am blessed with a sense of euphoria or lightness when something I hope for is going to happen and a sense of  sadness or despair when the thing I hope for is not destined to happen. It doesn't keep me from hoping; I'm just better prepared for the disappointment.

I don't like to declare myself to be a member of either political party. I was deeply affected by the horror of the assassination of JFK. I adored Bobby Kennedy in my teen years and fancied myself a Democrat. In college, the thought of communism sounded rather good. What could be better than ALL working together for the common good and the government providing equally for everyone? As I grew older, I began to lean to be more conservative and about 30 years ago, I was fed up enough with politics that I promised myself that if ever a non-lifelong politician EVER ran for president, they would have my vote. I voted for Ross Perot, I voted for Mitt Romney and I voted for Donald Trump, twice, and I don't regret it.

So, does that mean I LIKE Donald Trump? No. I didn't like him in the 80s and 90s when Randy was obsessed with Trump's financial success. Do I like a lot of his rhetoric and his personal insults? No. Had he been my son, he would have been getting his mouth washed out with soap on a regular basis and taught to quote my favorite Disney character, Thumper: "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all."  Do I like the fact that he seems to have no filters that prevent his thoughts from coming out of his mouth? No. BUT, I'd rather hear some things I don't want to hear than hear the smarmy lies of life-long politicians who say what they know everyone wants to hear, just to get ahead in their personal lives.

But, do I believe that he loves America? Yes. Do I believe that he has fought EVERY DAY of his presidency to help make America a powerful nation once again? Yes.  Do I believe he worked to make life better for ALL Americans. Yes, even though he was blocked from achieving so many things he could/would have done with the support of a congress that was truly working for the American people rather than for their own self-interest or party platform. (That is not a "dis" on the Democrats. There are just as many Republicans who are equally self-serving; which is why there need to be term limits for all politicians. Serve your term, then be ready to move up or move out!)

But, I digress from the topic of this blog post. Why do I pray that I'm wrong? I don't have anything in particular against Joe Biden. He's just another life-long politician who's gotten remarkably wealthy in "public service."  I could tolerate Joe as well as I've tolerated every other president, with very low expectations that they're going to deliver on their campaign promises. My fear comes from all the socialist jargon that has become common-place over the past two years.

Now, don't get your knickers in a twist, if you're reading this and you're a Biden supporter. I don't believe old Joe is a socialist. He is, however, affiliated with the party that spouts all the socialist rhetoric and I can't help but believe that more and more socialist values and thought processes are going to slide into our republic under  his leadership due to the strengthening pressure to adopt "democratic socialism." I fear that my children in the health-care field won't be able to run their businesses as they see fit for the benefit of their patients and their futures. I fear my grandchildren won't recognize the sense of accomplishment after hard work to gain an education in their chosen field. I fear that my grandchildren won't be able to proudly fly an American flag or sing the National Anthem or may feel pressured to hide their belief in God. I fear that my grandchildren won't be motivated to work harder for a paycheck, because a higher paycheck only means higher taxes. I fear that my grandchildren won't be able to have a gun to protect their homes and their families from the criminals who don't follow the rules and manage to obtain all the guns they want illegally. I fear that my grandchildren will have no place of refuge as did their great-great-great grandparents who fled Germany prior to the Nazi regime, when they chose to come to America. I could go on and on...

But, I pray that I'm wrong. I pray that at the worst, Joe Biden will be like all the others and just do nothing and all of my fears will be unfounded. I pray that this is one time that my discernment has failed me and all will be well for my children and grandchildren. I pray that this is not the time that Nikita Khruschev's words come to fruition. 

 (The video is from a talk given by Ezra Taft Benson at BYU, relating Khruschev's visit to the United States in 1959. Benson was the Secretary of Agriculture during the Eisenhower administration and became the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from 1985-1994. Don't bother to fact-check. Snopes and Politico both say it's false and that Khruschev never said these things, but I'll take the word of President Benson over Snopes any day!)