Saturday, May 25, 2013

LN#6 Tell about proud moments as a grandmother: Part 3

I have one grandson that I have a little bit of an extra connection with.  Some of you may not believe it, but I saw him as a three or four-year-old before he was ever born!  Heck, it was before his parents even thought of him!  I know.  I know.  I thought I was seeing things, but it's true. He doesn't look exactly like the little boy I saw, but his personality is exactly the same.
Ethan & I
February, 2013

So, let me explain.  I mentioned that Josh & Brooks lived with me the summer  after they got married.  Well, one weekend when I was home, I had Josh working on some project (as usual) or other in their bedroom.  (He may have been building the wardrobe.)  Anyway, something happened and Josh just said to himself "Caaarefullll..."  He used to say that a lot. Funny.  Now that he has children and one would expect to hear him say "careful" a lot, I can't remember the last time I heard him say it!  Anyway, at that exact moment when he said "Caaarefulll..." I looked down and had a kind of vision.  There was a blond little boy standing next to Josh; intently watching what Josh was doing and when Josh said "careful" the little boy stopped watching Josh, looked up at him, looked at me and ran from the room trying not to cry.  I wanted to run after the little boy and give him a hug, but, of course, there wasn't a little boy there.

I didn't say anything to Josh or Brooks at the time.  I figured they'd think I was nuts.  But then one day, they mentioned to me that they didn't know if they were doing the right thing waiting to have children or if they should start their family.  At that point, I figured that maybe I should tell them about my experience.  Less than a year later, on May 25, 2004 Ethan Raymond Gailey was born!  Since his middle name is Raymond, after my father, I always kind of wished he had been born two days later, on my dad's birthday, but oh well.. He's recently come to understand how special it is to be named after his grandpa and proudly announces the fact that he was named after a very special man!

Ethan - 1 year
So, who is Ethan?  Ethan is probably the most loving, caring, compassionate, concerned nine-year-old I have ever met.  As the oldest child in the family, I know his parents have had high expectations of him (as most parents do of their first born) and he strives to live up to those expectations.  He takes everything to heart; whether it's a scripture lesson or something his parents have told him should happen or will happen, he has total faith and trust in whatever it is.  He takes his role as "big brother" especially seriously, helping to "discipline" his siblings, watching out for them, distracting them, playing with them, whatever his parents need him to do with them.  He was especially thrilled in February to get his first little sister and really loves her!

Sloan, Ethan (holding Claire) & Mason
February, 2013

I thought poor Ethan was going to go crazy waiting for news that his little sister was here the day Brooks went to the hospital.  He knew that it would take awhile, but he sure couldn't stand the suspense and when I finally got word an hour after he went to bed, I decided it was worth it to go wake him up and let him know his sister was here.  Not quite the reaction I expected, when he just nodded his head, but I understood the reaction the next morning when he woke up and didn't remember me coming in to wake him at all!  But he was very excited to get to miss school that day to go to the hospital to meet her and could hardly wait to get his hands on her after she was born.
Ethan holding Claire in the hospital.
Ethan is a very smart young man and is very analytical.  He likes to understand things.  He's also a planner and needs to know what's happening when and how things are going to happen and he wants to know about the "what ifs!"  He's very cautious and a bit of a worrier; harder on himself than anyone could possibly be on him.  If he does something wrong, he really beats himself up inside, feeling like he's let someone else down or hurt someone.  Three weeks ago, when we were all in Kentucky he was pushing a younger cousin on the swing.  Not realizing that Bennett was still a little young to hold on well by himself, Ethan pushed just a little too hard and Bennett landed on the ground.  Bennett was fine, cried only a minute, but I know Ethan was crying on the inside much longer.  That's the sensitive little boy spirit that I saw all those years ago. And my heart hurt for him and I had to go and talk to him, even though I knew that no matter what I said, he would still not be ready to forgive himself.

Ethan & Sloan on the hull of their
driftwood pirate ship!
Mukilteo Lighthouse Beach
Ethan is very tolerant & respectful of others; especially this grandma!  I mentioned that he's a bit of a worrier, yet in spite of that and the fact that his mom tells him not to go outside without his shoes on, when Grandma told him to take off his shoes at the beach (see above), he reluctantly did so.  It went something like this:
    "Boys, why don't you take your shoes off to play in the sand and go down 
         by the water?"
    "Why don't you take off your shoes?"
    "My mom won't let us play outside without our shoes on."
    "You're on a beach."
    Blank stare
    "You don't wear shoes to play in the sand and the water."
    "But mom would yell at us.  She never lets us go outside without our shoes 
         on."    "Yeah?  Well, your mom's not here and this is Grandma.  Live a    
         little.  Have some fun and don't worry.... give me your shoes."  
     And he did, and they all had fun on the beach and we played for a couple 
         hours AND everyone left the beach with all their toes intact!

He's also tolerant of me and my stories about the "olden days."  In fact, sometimes he asks about them.  He probably gets that from his mom.  She was always the one asking me those questions and I'm sure she tells him stories about her childhood; whether he asks or she just volunteers, I have no idea.  But I know that he also gets exposure to some of "my" music through her.  All of my kids have an appreciation for the old stuff and the younger generation of the family even has some favorites.  This is one of Ethan's...

Elton John singing Crocodile Rock
(Music & video don't seem to sync, but still a fun song!)

He has a goofy side too.  I used to love it when he was a toddler and he'd dance to the music on his Fridge Farm.  And the day he met my Aunt Grace and Uncle Austin as a toddler he had everyone in stitches just because he was laughing so hard at his "binky" falling out of his mouth and bouncing on the carpet.  His laughter was infectious and created a wonderful memory!"

Ethan with Andi & Aunt Grace
March, 2008
Like all little boys, he loves video games and movies; superheroes and make-believe.  He had a special fascination with Indiana Jones when he was very young and I seem to recall that he wore his Spiderman suit until he completely wore it out (it didn't matter that he outgrew it before it wore out)!

So, all of these things about Ethan are great, but the thing that impresses me the most about Ethan is his selfless love and concern for others.  When they stayed with me a couple of years ago, he knew how sad I would be when they left.  So Ethan and his brothers wrote little messages on hearts and left them all over my apartment for me to find later.  I'm still finding some that were hid the best!  And whenever I do find a lost one, it brings a smile to my face and a reminder that he really does love his old grandma.  And I don't even have a birthday present for him yet!  This young man can NEVER think of anything he wants, because toys are expensive and he doesn't want to think of me spending my money on him.  For Christmas, all he could think of was a "Twister" game! There's something about a kid that doesn't want anything that makes you want to give him even more... except I can't think of anything either!  So, Ethan.... know that I love you and I'm thinking about you today on YOUR special day... and I will get you SOMETHING for your birthday, but for now, know too that you are one of God's greatest blessings to me and to your family.  I loved you before you were born and I love you still.


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