Friday, April 19, 2013

Tell about proud moments as a grandmother Part 6!

So what do you think?
Peyton Brian Carter

Is it Dad?
Or is it Mom?

When Peyton was first born, I could have sworn he looked EXACTLY like his mother!  I had her 4-month picture to prove it, but the older he gets, the more I have to wonder.....

Without a doubt, he has his dad's grin.  And Sami learned long ago why Cameron's mother had a hard time disciplining him.  I mean, how could a little boy with such a sweet grin and innocent expression possibly be the instigator of anything untoward?  Even with that gleam in his eyes?

Peyton Brian Carter was born April 19, 2006 in Fallon, NV; the third child in his family; my sixth grandchild, officially making 50% of my grandchildren Carters!

Sami with Andi, Dylan & baby Peyton!

Peyton got his name from Peyton Manning, the great quarterback.  Apparently Sam & Cam had been having a hard time coming up with a boy's name they both liked.  They were watching a football game on TV and inspiration struck!  "Brian" is after Cameron's father.  I don't see much of Brian in Peyton, but Peyton is definitely a fitting name for this young man!

Of all of my grandchildren, Peyton is the athlete.  He has a natural coordination and agility that is not really a prevalent familial trait.  (In fact the only people in my family who I have seen in action to compare to his athletic abilities would be my brother Al and my mother.)  He has a great arm with a football or a baseball in hand!  I thought that was the limit of his athleticism until I saw him with the play "Brave" bow and arrow set I gave his little sister Soni for her last birthday.  While she seemed to have lost interest in it, Peyton was perfecting his skill and amazed us all when he was able to shoot three arrows in a row from the living room up to the second floor opening to the family room!  No one taught him how to do it.  Heck, no one else could do it; but he made it look easy!

Looks like a Dallas Cowboys Fan!
(But not if his Dad can help it!)

So, watching Peyton, I had to wonder what he would be when he grows up.  From early on, I always asked my kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. Meg is the only one who has really ended up with her original profession, but I feel like it never hurts to ask a kid and get them thinking about who they are and what they want to be when they're little.  It helps them begin to think about lifetime goals and achievements.  So, I asked Sami what she thinks he'll be when he grows up.  She thought about it for a minute and said, "I don't know for sure what he wants to be, but I can easily see him being some kind of public servant; policeman, fireman, someone in a uniform..."

A little later that day (while Peyton was chasing arrows around the living room) I asked him:
  "So Peyton, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
  "Huh?"  (I'm thinking "Oh great... he's never even thought about it and here I am....")
  "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
  "Oh.  A soldier."
  "A soldier."
  "You want to be a soldier?"
I looked at Sami who just shrugged her shoulders and said, "See what I mean?"
I must say... those were never words I heard from any man of any age in my life before, but I     have no doubt that if that's the direction his life really does take him, he'll be a good one!

What else do I know about Peyton?  Like most of my grandchildren, I don't know him extremely well.  He's lived most of his life in Texas; a looooong way away from Montana, Idaho and Washington.  But let's give it a try:

We've worried about his hearing, since Cam is partially deaf and Peyton has a bit of a speech impediment and schoolwork doesn't seem to come as easily to him as it does to his older siblings, but boy-oh-boy does this young man have heart!

Little Scarecrow

He has a marvelous sense of humor and loves to tease.  (You can see that gleam in his eye and know he's up to something, but you just can't help wanting to see what it is!)  He's enthusiastic and when he does something he's going to give it his all. 100%.

Giddy-up, Cowboy!
(A real Texan!)

Oh! And he has the greatest southern accent!  It's not too strong; just enough to notice that it's there, more pronounced on some words.

And did I mention that he has heart?  He's loving and he's kind.  He's considerate and he tries to be polite.  He has a temper and can become quite vexed with his siblings, but he can also be annoying when he wants to vex them.  But all-in-all, he's a wonderful young man and I can't wait to see what he does with his life, because it will be 100% heart and soul, all Peyton!

Sami & Peyton: April Babies!

I love you!


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