Saturday, November 16, 2013

LN #6: Tell proud moments of being a grandmother Part 14!!!

This evening, I'm sending belated birthday greetings to my youngest grandson, grandbaby #14, Bennett Hoyt Sloan!

Gray, Bennett & Krew with Grandma
Thanksgiving, 2011
It's a bit belated, due to a Grandma who completely lost the month of October, but it's still hard to believe that Bennett celebrated his second birthday on November 3rd!!! I guess he started as a surprise... Brandon & Diedre's third son in three and a half years... and he's just going to keep on surprising me!

Probably the best part of Bennett's November birth day, was that it gave the whole family an excuse to get together for Thanksgiving in 2011 so that we could have 3 celebrations in one! We began with Thanksgiving, moved right into Black Friday and Christmas with all fourteen grandkids:

 And then moved right into Bennett's blessing!

I'm sad to admit that I don't know Bennett very well and even sadder to say that he knows even less of me. Since he's lived in Mississippi his whole life and I've lived in Seattle his whole life, time together has been VERY limited.
All I can say is thank heavens for his beautiful mother and the blogs she writes with photos to help keep me informed of the goings on in his young life!
Bennett at 12 months
When I last saw Bennett, we were in Kentucky for Uncle Bart's dental school graduation. He really didn't know what to think of me, poor little guy. He'd dutifully come to me or sit by me as his parents told him to, but my heart ached for him whenever he did. I could tell he didn't want to be there, but he was trusting his parents to not put him in a bad situation. Although this picture wasn't taken at that time, this is one of my favorite Bennett looks:

Bennett's on the far right!
He hasn't spoken too much around me, but his face is SO expressive; you can read the happiness, excitement, caution, sadness or sheer joy on his cute little face.

And if his big brothers are doing something, you can bet Bennett will soon be doing it too! I'm glad Brandon suggested I get him a tricycle for his birthday so that he can now ride a bike with Dad, Krew & Gray instead of being pushed around in the stroller by Mom while everyone else rides their bikes!

I was thrilled too when Brandon and Diedre waited to have him open his tricycle 'til I could be on Skype with them to watch him open his gift. The great thing was watching Krew & Gray be as excited for Bennett as he was himself as they helped him "ride" in the living room! What close knit, sweet boys!

I found out recently that Bennett loves the "Jake & the Neverland Pirates" crocodile that I gave him last year for Christmas and think it's fun that for Halloween, Bennett was none other than Cap'n Hook! Sure hope his croc wasn't the cause of his hook....

Bennett Hook
Halloween 2013
Like I said earlier, I really don't know Bennett very well so, mostly for this second birthday, what I want to say to Bennett is that I can't wait to get to know you better. To know who you REALLY are and see the young man that you will become. I can't wait to see your talents begin to emerge and watch your sense of humor develop.

I hope you had a FABULOUS BIRTHDAY, Bennett!
I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this mom!! you shouldn't feel too bad that your post was late I haven't done my post on his birthday yet, I gotta get on that oops. And I promise that you will get to know him better. he wont remember these years anyway ;) We love you so much, Thanks again for the bike he LOVES it!!
